Top 4 Yuga Asanas for Diabetes control in 7 days

Top 4 Yuga Asanas for Diabetes control in 7 days

If you are a Diabetic Patient you should habit of 4 exercises. You will be free from Diabetes, It makes you energetic. Reduces Blood pressure, Maintain Bodyweight  

Top 4 Yuga Asanas for Diabetes control in 7 days

What is Diabetes  

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs when the Pancreas is no longer to produce  Insulin hormones in our Body for maintaining the body's sugar levels.  So sugar level is gradually increased in our blood, Diabetes appears,
 Our daily lifestyle, consume Junk food, Lake of proper exercise, and day to day increase work Stress are the main factor increasing Diabetes.
Smoking and more alcohol are causing Diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

It is a chronic condition that occurs when the pancreas fails to receive insulin completely. This condition affects people under the age of 30.

Type 2 Diabetes

It is a chronic condition in which cells fail to respond to insulin. Therefore, the effects increase with blood sugar levels. It is mainly caused by obesity and dysfunction. Type 2 diabetes affects about 90% of patients with diabetes.

How Yoga helps treat diabetes

  1. It helps to regenerate and restore pancreatic cells by stretching the stomach.
  2. It aids in muscle relaxation, improves muscle blood flow, and improves muscle development.
  3. Regular Yoga exercise can reduce body weight which is very important to keep your blood sugar tested.
  4. Yoga posture helps to improve insulin sensitivity which results in better glucose uptake and lowering blood sugar.
  5. It helps stimulate the pancreas by improving the circulation of the pancreas and providing its insulin-producing capacity.
  6. Most Yoga Asanas compress and compress the stomach and help reactivate pancreatic constipation which causes more insulin to enter the bloodstream.

Lets we know the 4 YUGA Asanas for Control Diabetes

  1. Kapal Bhati Pranayam
  2. Supta Matsyendrasana (laying Down body twist)
  3. Dhanursana (Bow pose)
  4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


Top 4 Yuga Asanas for Diabetes control in 7 days

How to Make a Kapalbhati

  • Stay right
  • Inhale Well
  • Exhale Quickly
  • Relax Deeply

  • Sit relaxed in Sukhasana or Easy Pose. Put your palms on your knees. Make sure they look up. Direct your focus and awareness of the abdominal region. It is beneficial when a person sits in a garment wrapped in a yoga block box so that the spine stays high and alert.

  • Inhale deeply through your nose, filling both of your lungs with air. Breathing should be slow and steady breathing, focusing on airflow and breathing in a calm manner

  • Pull your stomach on your back. Bring your navel as close to the spine as possible. Put your right hand in the center to feel your abdominal muscles have direction. During breathing, there will be a sound output. At that moment, you feel as if everything is going wrong in your body. As you relax your abdomen, you can feel the air filling your lungs.

Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama

  • Kapalbhati releases heat from your body, dissolves toxins, and other waste products.
  • Stmoliting of Abdominal organ, benefit for Diabetes.
  • Improves kidney and kidney function.
  • Increase metabolic rate which is improved digestion  power help to reduce Debates
  • It removes pressure from the eyes and clears dark circles.
  • Improves blood circulation and digestion.
  • The method increases your metabolic rate, thus helping to lose weight faster.
  • It stimulates your stomach organs and helps patients with diabetes.
  • It stimulates your brain and energizes your senses.
  • The process relaxes and lifts your mind.
  • It gives you a sense of balance and common sense, it makes you feel pure and progressive.
  • Eliminates problems related to acidity and gas when done properly. Not recommended for people with stomach problems.
  • Kapalbhati strengthens your lungs and increases its strength.
  • Regular exercise of Kapalbhati will start you and make your face shine brighter.
  • Improves memory and concentration.
  • This practice clears up and activates the chakras on your body.
  • It helps in the treatment of asthma and sinus.
  • It keeps the sounds good and fills you with


  • Kapalbhati may lead to hypertension and hernia. If you have an artificial pacemaker you should take Doctor advice, before doing this
  • If you are any abdominal surgery, you should take the doctor's advice.
  • It can cause dizziness and headaches.
  • You may feel nauseous.
  • Women who are during and after pregnancy should not try it.
  • You may be overwhelmed with sweat and excessive sweating.

2.Supta Matsyendrasana (laying Down body twist)

How to do  Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Twist) 

  • You lay on your YUGA MAT with a relaxing mood  
  • To start this asana, you should lie comfortably and straight on your back and gently press your back down.

  • Touch your abdominal muscles. After that, bend over and bend your knees as you lift your feet to the floor.
  • Exhale, then stretch your arms to form one straight line with the shoulders. Keep your palms down to give you extra support. While doing this, connect your knees and feet together.

  • Inhale and lift your feet higher than your knees.

  • Exhale and lower your left leg down, making sure your knees and feet are tied. You should also make sure that your knees should be at the level of your hip, and your heels should rest the foot away from your blocks.

  • Breathe slowly and deeply as you turn your head to the right. Hold down your right shoulder so you can keep it twisted in your upper spine. If you keep your arms at shoulder level, it will help to root your shoulders. Hold the pose for about 30 to 60 minutes.

  • To release the pose, press your hands down, and find the abdominal muscles. Inhale, then lift your chest and knees over your chest. Hold your knees.

  • Exhale. Pull your thighs to your chest, lift your head and chest to your thighs. Make sure you do not raise your shoulders as your head is raised.

  • Lower the shoulders and head down, and get the muscles of your abdomen. After that, stretch your arms out again, and then twist the other side

Benefit from Supta Matsyendrasana

Supta Matsyendrasana stretches her wrists, chest, and obliques. Because of the stretch in the chest, it is considered a heart-opening. It improves spinal mobility and can help digestion. It’s a way to relax at the end of a yoga session. In everyday life, your posture will benefit from this drug of living and job hunting.

Side Effect

If you are Back surgery or any severe problem in your backspin you should consult your doctor before you do this.

3.Dhanursana (Bow pose)

Top 4 Yuga Asanas for Diabetes control in 7 days

How to practice  Step-by-Step Guide  Dhanurasana -

1. Lie on your stomach with your feet slightly apart, about the size of your hips, and place your arms next to your body.

2. Slowly, bend your knees and hold your ankles with your hands.

3. Breathe in and lift your chest off the floor and pull your legs out. You should feel stretching in the arms and thighs.

4. Hold the pose for 12-15 seconds, paying attention to your breath as it takes longer, deeper.

5. Slowly return your chest and legs to the ground, loosen your grip on the ankles, and rest your hands on the side. Reuse a few sets.

Benefits of Dhanurasana

1. According to Bharat Thakur on his website, during Dhanurasan's time, "the cellular column was stretched, improving blood flow to the spinal cord."

2. It also stretches your neck, shoulder, arms, and leg muscles, thus strengthening those areas.

3. It is considered a good exercise for those with asthma or respiratory diseases such as asthma, as it widens the chest and increases lung capacity.


  • Avoid this when you have a headache or migraine.
  •  Pregnant or pregnant women should avoid this. 
  • Those with neck or pain injuries should not do.
  •  This area should not be used when suffering from any stomachache.
  •  Keep your legs and arms strong to avoid any load bearing directly to the spine.

4.Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Top 4 Yuga Asanas for Diabetes control in 7 days

Step-by-step instructions

  • Sit on the floor with your back supported on a folded blanket or towel and your legs straight in front of you. 
  • Bring your arms straight to the sides and over your head, reaching to the ceiling.
  • Inhale and draw your spine for a long time.
  • As you pull out, start to come forward, leaning on your hips. Think of your pelvis as a vessel of water that moves forward.
  • For each inhale, stretch your spine. You may have to move slightly from your front to do this.
  • For each exit, focus on your forward curve. Just imagine that your stomach will rest on your thighs, rather than reach your nose. This will help you keep your spine longer.
  • Keep the neck as a natural extension of your spine, do not keep it there to look upwards or let it go completely.
  • Once you have reached your full extension and spine for a long time, decide whether you want to stay here or let your spine rotate.
  • Hold your ankles or shins, wherever you can reach. You can also use a rope around your feet. Keep your feet very flexible throughout.


This area extends these areas and helps open up your horizons. This stretch is great for runners who tend to have tight hamstrings. It is also considered a quiet place. It is said that this level can help reduce anxiety and improve your mood.

Safety and Security Methods

Avoid this pose if you have injuries to your arms, waist, ankles, or shoulders. Do not force yourself into this. If you are too strong to get more knees, do what you can without pain.

Because this depresses the stomach, it may not be comfortable in a full stomach.

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